Saturday, October 12, 2013

Heavenly Father the merciful heart of Your Son came into the world through the heart of Mary, through her loving yes, through her complete surrender to Your Holy Will.

Sunday October 13th, 2013

Today an event is happening in Rome, which will probably go unnoticed to most of the world. But it is an event that will have enormous consequences for everyone. Today our Holy Father, Pope Francis is consecrating the World to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Consecration means to make a solemn act of the will in which something or someone is set-aside exclusively for another. A man is consecrated to his wife in marriage, a priest is consecrated to the Church at his ordination, and a child is consecrated to God at his or her baptism. A consecration is an act of the will in which a person offers his or her entire self to another in a complete surrender of love.

The best of all consecrations is one in which each one of us, by a complete act of the will, gives our entire selves, all that we have and all that we are, in loving and complete surrender to God, who in His unfathomable love has given His entire self to us in the person of His only Son, Jesus Christ, who surrendered Himself to us in love on the cross, and who continues this renew this self-offering at every Holy Mass which is offered. In all of this we discover something fundamental.

Every act of true and authentic love is a consecration; it is a selfless gift of loving surrender of self to the other; of one person for another; of God for man and of man for God. And if this is so, then, an act of consecration must be constantly renewed by living it faithfully in every moment of our life. In this, we discover that God wants to save our troubled world through love; the answer to evil is love, the answer to sin is love, the answer to war is love, the answer to our longing hearts is love. We have been made for love, to be consecrated to God in love.

Pope Francis’ act of consecration today is actually faithfully following, as he has this whole past year, the itinerary of events that Pope Benedict schedule in order to celebrate this year, which is been set aside as the “Year of Faith.” This act of consecration of the World to the Immaculate Heart is the second last event scheduled-the last event will occur on the Feast of Christ the King, which will bring to close the Year of Faith, which has brought untold graces on the People of God and the world.

In today’s act of Consecration of the World to the Immaculate Heart, Pope Francis, as the current Vicar of Christ, is renewing the act of consecration of the world offered by Blessed John Paul II back in 1984. This act was made in union with all the bishops of the world, thus fulfilling a request from heaven itself made by the Blessed Virgin Mary to three little shepherd children in an obscure hamlet named Fatima, in the Country of Portugal in the year 1917.

According to the oldest of these three Children, Lucia, who just died in 2005, Blessed John Paul did indeed carry out the consecration just as was requested. This is important to know because there are many who mistakenly think that it was not carried out properly. Not so said Sister Lucia “it has been carried out exactly has our Lady wished.

In 1917, the blessed Virgin requested that Russia would be consecrated to her Immaculate Heart. If this request would be carried out according to the wishes of her Son, Russia would be converted and great era of unprecedented peace would be granted to the world. She warned, “If not [Russia] will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated.” Unfortunately, this request of Jesus made through His most Holy Mother was not carried out until 1984. Russia, which was once a Catholic Country, did indeed spread her errors throughout the world through atheistic Marxist socialism and Communism. The last visit of the Mother of God to the Children occurred on October 13, 1917; the very same month we saw the Bolshevik Revolution and the coming of the Communists to power in Russia.

Many mistakenly think communism that great affront to the Creator God, is dead; but lest we forget, there are billions who still live under the shadow of this Atheistic Evil, an evil, which denies the rights of God and the basic rights of the Human person. And even more, the philosophy that lies behind communism, atheistic Marxism, is more alive today than ever. In fact, the great error of communism is actually coming to fruition in our own day throughout the world, even in our own country. This is seen by the almost complete exclusion of God and religion from the societies of one county after another. You can teach the teachings of Buddha, Mao Tse-Tung, Hinduism, Islam, and yes even the teachings of Karl Marx in Public Schools, but don’t you dare teach anything about Jesus Christ or His One true Church.

Atheistic Marxism is also seen today in the denial of the existence of God by the vast majority of the inhabitants of our world. Oh yes, many speak about God, but in fact live their lives in a practical atheism; that is, as if He didn’t exist. Throughout the world, millions no longer pray to God; millions, including Catholics, longer worship God, which is the primary duty in justice that the creature owes to its Creator. Sadly the vast majority of Catholics world-wide longer attend Sunday Mass, only 25% do so in our Country; in some countries it’s as low as 2%.

The errors of the Godless philosophy and of the most evil dictator of the world, Karl Marx, who is personally responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions through his disciples such as Lenin, Stalin, Mao Tse-Tung and others, these errors are also shown in our time by the outright denial of sin as primarily an affront against God; as shown by our acceptance of actions that go directly against the Commandments of God and so go against the Rights of God; actions such as murder, abortion, artificial contraception, adultery, homosexual acts and so-called “homosexual marriage.” These grave sins which usurp the rights of God by going against the natural order of His creation and His Holy will, have been institutionalized, that is, made the law of the land in one country after another including sadly our own.

And as a result of the acceptance of these moral evils, the grave errors of Marxism is seen as well in the sin of the almost complete unrestraint of indulging in the pleasures of this world against the Holy Will of God. Whereas love is the giving up of one’s own selfish pleasure for the sake of the other, especially for God; now, many live only for themselves. But we can’t blame it all on the errors of Marx and the actions of his minions. It is primarily the rejection of the hearts of men to love of God as shown by their obedience to His Commandments and His Holy Will that has caused the great errors and sins of our day.

If we had only listened to our Lady’s Message of Hope giving at Fatima our world would be a different place. Most outright ignored Fatima when it occurred, even though it occurred during the first time in history that the entire world was at war, a war which killed untold millions, a war which saw in one single day’s battle over 100,000 people killed. Most ignored Fatima even though there occurred there during the last apparition of the Blessed Mother to the Children, 96 years ago today, the greatest public miracle since the Resurrection-the miracle of the Sun which was witnessed by over 70,000 people; and incidentally, covered by an atheistic communistic press who accurately published the miracle in the newspaper as matter of historical fact.

For three days it had been raining, the ground was saturated, everything and everyone was soak and wet. Yet at the moment our lady appeared, the skies parted and the sun was seen streaming through the clouds. At one part of the apparition Mary pointed to the sun, at that moment the sun began to dance in the sky and throw off many colors of light. Then it seemed to break out of its position and began to stream toward the earth in a death plunge, many fell to their knees thinking it was the end of the world. Those who where in the state of grace were filled with joy at the beauty; those who were in a state of mortal sin, fell on their knees horrified, confessing their sins out loud. And then just when it seemed like it was going to crash into the earth, the sun returned to its regular place in the sky. But it was immediately notice, that everything was completely dry, the ground, the peoples clothing everything. And again, even the members of the communist party and press that were present witness the events; in fact any one within a 25 mile radius witnessed this miracle of the sun.

The greatest public miracle since the Resurrection necessarily must have a message of the utmost importance for us and for our world. Yet it went unheeded and continues to go unheeded by most the inhabitants of the world including the catholic inhabitants; yet, it is a message given for our times. The message of Fatima was and is not one of gloom and doom but one of great hope. It was, and is, the same message of the Gospel; Repent and be converted; repent of sin which brings nothing but wars, death and unhappiness, and instead be converted to God Who brings nothing but peace, life and happiness; better yet, joy. It is really the message of Father that doesn’t wish the destruction of his sons and daughters, but instead their conversion and their happiness by being united to Him in love; but because he is such a loving Father, he will not idly stand back and let us destroy ourselves; he will not stand idly by and allow untold billions of souls to be separated forever from His love for them; He will intervene and soon. He will do whatever necessary to try to save them except force them against their will.

Today on the very anniversary of the last apparition of Fatima we are being given a choice; either we will heed God’s warnings and accept His mercy and forgiveness, or He will punish this world in a way never seen before, in way greater than even the flood. We are simply being offered again the way of life or death as presented throughout the Scriptures; a purification of the world by grace or by fire; the choice is given to us to choose freely in love. We can imitate the Blessed Virgin and give God our own personal Fiat, our complete yes to God in love, and so bring His mercy upon us and upon our whole world through us, or we can imitate the communists, and all the other egomaniacs and despots in the history of the world and give God our no, that is, our own personal “I will not serve” just as did satan and all the other fallen angels. Either way, our Lady promised at Fatima that in the end, the world would be converted to God; Her Immaculate Heart would triumph and the next greatest miracle since the Resurrection would occur, an era of unprecedented peace would be granted to the world. And era in which love of God and love of neighbor would fill the hearts of all the inhabitants of the world know as the Eucharistic Reign of Jesus.

Before Blessed John Paul first fulfilled the request of our Lady of Fatima when He consecrated the world to Jesus through her Immaculate Heart, a request that Pope Francis will renew today, John Paul had never read what was known as the third secret of Fatima, a secret that was to be made known to the world in 1960 but which for some reason was not. It was not until after the failed assignation attempt on May 31, 1981, incidentally an assignation attempt which remarkably occurred on the anniversary of the first apparition of Fatima and during the very hour of that appearance of the Heavenly Mother to three children; it wasn’t until he lay in hospital bed narrowly and miraculously having escaped what should have been sure death, that JP called for the envelope containing the secret to be brought to him at the hospital.

As he read the secret, that he would later make public, he saw that He himself was the man dressed in white that the secret revealed would be shot dead. And so he realized that the prophetic warnings of Fatima were conditional, that the grave prophecies that included even the annihilation of whole nations and so the death of billions were not etched in stone. They were made conditional to our personal response to the warnings from heaven. Yes, we had not listened, War World II came, Russia’s errors spread across the globe, untold millions had died, but it was still not too late. We could avoid the worst of the dire predictions. Our world could be converted, renewed by grace and not by fire; and even more, souls could be saved from the everlasting fire. It was up to us; it is up to each one of us; there is yet great hope.

By reading the message of Fatima, John Paul discovered that during the assassination attempt, one hand had fire the bullet but another had guided it. It was the hand of the Blessed Virgin Mary; she had saved him through the prayers of her small faithful remnant of believers who struggled to lived the gospel message of Fatima, of repentance and conversion; those who had consecrated themselves to Jesus through Mary, who wore the brown scapular as a sign of that consecration and lived that consecration with Mary’s help in the thousand of daily acts of everyday life…faithful disciples who sacrificed their own wills in countless ways by being faithful to their daily duties according to the state of life; who daily prayed the rosary; kept the 5 first Saturdays in honor of, and in reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary. And it by was faithful disciples who came before the Holy Eucharist in imitation of the Angel of Fatima, falling on their knees and even their faces before the living God praying daily thrice the adoration prayers taught to the children of Fatima, “O my God I believe in Thee, adore Thee, I hope in Thee and I love Thee, and I beg pardon for all of those who do not believe in Thee, who do not adore Thee and who don’t love Thee. These, who lives were living consecrations of love, these where the ones who brought down the mercy of God which saved the life of John Paul which the prophecy of Fatima had warned would be taken if men did not repent.

In the third secret of Fatima, John Paul the most Marian pope in the history of the Church and the Pope of Divine Mercy, saw that Fatima was indeed a message of our times. He had seen clearly that even though his life had been saved by the few who had listen, not enough had still yet responded in order to avoid the chastisements that the Father was already beginning to allow upon the world due to men’s sins. It is not a punishment of the Father’s making but of our own making. As a result, JPII who himself had experienced two of the greatest evils the world had ever saw, Nazism and Communism, he saw then very clearly the connection between the message of Fatima and the Message of Divine Mercy given to St. Faustina. God does not desire the death of men. God does not desire the purification of the World by the fire of his Divine Justice. No, God desires that the world be renewed by His Mercy. In this, John Paul saw that evil has a limit, and that limit is God’s Mercy.

The message of Fatima is then the, THE Formula for drawing down the Divine Mercy upon us and upon the whole would. The Devotion to the Immaculate Heart that Jesus wished to be established at Fatima is indeed that formula. And the devotion of Her sorrowful heart, sorrowful from the loss of so many souls, this devotion is brought about by those souls who give God their yes, their fiat in imitation of her and through her to Jesus—this is called consecration, consecration to Jesus through Mary…And this devotion is lived by the grace of the Sacraments by loving faithfulness in the everyday duties of our state in life. By the making of, and the offering of everything we do as a sacrifice for love of Jesus, through Mary for the conversion of sinners, for the holy Father, and in reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate heart of Mary…which are sins that greatly offend the heart of her Divine Son. Their very lives become acts of “penance, penance, penance” asked by the angel in the third secret of Fatima, acts of penance which bring down God’s mercy and grace upon the whole and envelope it in the heart of His Son.

John Paul made the consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in order to renew our sinful world, to avoid the punishment rightly in justice due to our sinful world, and most of all to save souls. Today Pope Francis renews this consecrations for “all times and for all peoples” But something yet is still missing; the consecration is not yet complete…the request of heaven made at Fatima through the three young seers has not yet been fulfilled, we are still on a collision course for a flood of fire falling from the sky consuming a greater part of humanity prophecy by the sun streaming toward earth at Fatima and now totally possible with nuclear weapons.

The popes are making an objective act of consecration on our behalf, however what is missing is for us to make a our own personal act, that is to give our own personal and complete yes,-Fiat to Jesus through Mary. What is missing is for us then to live this consecration out in our lives, in our families, by everything we do, by living according to God’s truth, doing all for love of Jesus, through love of Mary for the salvation of soul. “It is not how much we do, but how much we love (mother Theresa of Calcutta).

Father Parker and I will help you in the days and months to come to come to understand more fully this act of personal consecration and help you to learn how to live it out faithfully in you lives. We will give you an opportunity to make a more in depth and better-prepared personal consecration. We will help you to be sure that you and your families are spiritually protected with the Brown Scapular of Our Lady by being enrolled in it as a sign of your personal Consecration and as a way of getting on the current Ark to escape the deluge of evil. We will offer to you opportunities to grow in the truths of our Beautiful Catholic Faith so you can live them in love. But we must act now; let us not again ignore the vital message of Fatima for the lives of billions of souls are at stake. So let us in the depths of our hearts and with as must faith, trust and love we can muster, make an act of will and consecrate our selves to Jesus through Mary. Fr. Parker will lead you at the end of Mass in a short consecration prayer to Jesus through Mary….Let us pray:

Most Holy Family, unite my daily life with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Accept all of my spiritual and material possessions as my seed of sacrifice offered to the Sacred and Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, in union with St. Joseph. This shall be my commitment in life, in death, and in eternity. Heavenly Father the merciful heart of Your Son came into the world through the heart of Mary, through her loving yes, through her complete surrender to Your Holy Will. Strengthened by the Holy Spirit, may Your Mercy come anew on the face of the earth through my own fiat, through my own complete surrender to You and Your holy will. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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