Friday, June 5, 2015

Holy Mary Mother of the Eucharist—Who is Jesus, through your powerful intercession, obtain for us the grace of an increase of Faith in, Hope in and Love for Your Divine Son—Jesus, who is still on earth truly present in the Holy Eucharist—The Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar! Help us to adore Him; that is, to offer our heart totally to the One who offers His totally to us—Jesus, so that we might become one with the Heart of Jesus, lovers of the Eucharist Lord, Apostles of the Holy Eucharist and so channels of Divine Grace and Divine Mercy for the conversion and salvation of our nation and of souls. Amen!

MK 14:12-16, 22-26. Solemnity of Corpus Christi. Sunday June 7th,2015

This Sunday the Church solemnly celebrates the feast of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Holy Eucharist. The Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist has been a central and constant teaching of the Church since the time of the Apostles. For over 1500 years all Christians were united in belief in the Real Presence, which is known as Mysterium Fidei--THE Mystery of our Faith!

The mystery of the truth that we celebrate today is that Jesus as God makes it possible that we can experience Him, not only in a picture, or in our mind as a memory, or even only in His Spiritual presence, but Jesus makes it possible that we can experience Him physically, experience Him literally personally in the flesh, along with His blood, and His living human heart and soul and Divinity. Jesus promised He would remain with us until the end of the world and He keeps that promise by being truly present in all the tabernacles of the world.

We simply believe in the Real Presence because Jesus has said it to be so. We can’t figure out the true bodily presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist or do a scientific analysis to determine the mechanics behind this great mystery; in fact, all our senses fail us before the reality of the Holy Eucharist. We must, in faith simply take Jesus at His word (cf John 6); after all, He is God, and as God He can neither deceive nor be deceived.

Because in the Real Presence Jesus is still physically on earth in His Human body, we too, through faith, can encounter the God made Man as did those privilege souls who were alive when Jesus visibly walked on the face of the earth. However, we are more privilege than they for we can encounter Him in an even deeper way by actually receiving His body and blood, by actually receiving His very Person into our own body and our soul. Through this Holy Communion we can become literally “wedded” to God Himself by becoming one flesh with Him; we can then become united in love to the Father, Holy Spirit in, through and with the Son…this is why the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Holy Eucharist is also known as the “Wedding Feast of the Lamb-the consummation of our soul with God’s.”

Today's feast, called in Latin, “Corpus Christi,” was inaugurated in the 13th century because of a visible miracle of the Holy Eucharist at Orvietto in Italy. While the priest was consecrating the bread it dripped real visible blood on to the altar linen. As a result, St. Thomas Aquinas was commissioned to write the songs that we sing on this great feast day—the “Pange Lingua” and the “O Salutaris.”

Each year in Orvietto, on the feast of Corpus Christi, the Blessed Sacrament is carried in procession and preceded by this same miraculous cloth. People may ask why don't we have such miracles in our churches now? But we do! We have the greatest of all miracles, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. At every Holy Mass the bread and wine are transformed, by the Power of the Holy Spirit working through the gift of the Sacred Priesthood, literally change into real the real flesh and blood of Jesus; but this great miracle of love normally can only be seen through the eyes of faith.

Through the miracle of Transubstantiation Jesus Himself becomes present among us again in the Incarnation, with his resurrected Body and Blood, along with His Soul and Divinity. And in this Real Presence Jesus continues to remain physically on earth for us alive today. And He not only becomes our heavenly food, He becomes the way, the only way for us to adore the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit so that we can become one with God. And in the Holy Eucharist He becomes the way for the Divine Mercy of God to flow out into the whole world.

But by divine decree, this Divine Mercy can only flow out from the Holy Eucharist through the hearts of those who truly believe; that is, through the hearts of those who have faith and live this faith out by humbly adoring the Holy Eucharist as the true and living God. Though adoration and worthy reception of Jesus and with soul healed by confession, the faithful become one with Jesus and become His instruments of salvation for others. Through our belief, adoration, hope and love of the Real Presence of Jesus, we are to become Apostles of the Holy Eucharist in order to become channels of grace and mercy for the conversion and salvation of the entire world.

Faith tells us with certainty that Jesus is really present for you and for me in every Catholic Church where Holy Mass is validly celebrated by an ordained Catholic priest. And He remains really present in the tabernacle even after Holy Mass for us to come and adore Him and so experience Him and His love for us. In fact, the more we spend time with Him outside of Holy Mass the more we are enable to participate in the Mass more fully and the more we can then get out of the Mass. For to really communicate with another person, including Jesus, I must get to know him, I must be able to be in silence close to him, to hear him and to look at him with love. True love and true friendship always live of the reciprocity of looks, of intense, eloquent silences full of respect and veneration, so that the encounter is lived profoundly, in a personal not a superficial way. And, unfortunately, if this personal dimension is lacking, even Holy Communion itself within holy Mass can become, on our part, a superficial gesture, because our hearts and minds aren't in it.

So the question for us today is, “will you and I in faith, be there really present for Jesus; will you and I spend time with Him; will you and I keep Him company and adore, trust and love Him in the Holy Eucharist. Can we not watch just one hour with Him in prayer at least once per week? If we really believe that He is truly present on our altars or in our tabernacles we will come and spend time with Him whenever and however much we can. It's a matter of love-his for us and ours for him.
Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and He waits in the tabernacle as a prisoner of love for those who would, in love, come and adore Him and adore the Father through Him in the Holy Spirit ?

In the Gospel of John, chapt. 6, verse 66 (that’s right 666!). Jesus allows the multitudes to leave Him when they cannot accept that He would give them His flesh as real food and His blood as real drink, sadly Millions today also walk away from this Truth—the Mystery of Faith. Will we also leave?,” as Jesus turned and ask the twelve after all others left Him. (cf Jn 6:67).

Let us not leave, but let us be believing—“Dominus Est” It is the Lord we are dealing with! Let us here worship Him and pray to Him on behalf of all those who either do not believe, or believe and ignore and so do not love. Let us receive Him in Holy Communion with faith, reverence, purity and love and never receive Holy Communion in the state of mortal sin, or as if it were merely some kind of special bread. And as we receive Him, let us offer ourselves fully to Him in love, in response to Him offering His total self to us in the Holy Eucharist so that we may become “Apostles of the Holy Eucharist?” For our reception of the Holy Eucharist, which is the Sacred Heart of Jesus, only bears fruit in our lives, families, country and world to the extent we offer our hearts to Jesus in return…to be able to do this, we need to totally trust in Jesus…Jesus I trust in You!

Today, as believing Catholics, and as Free Americans, we celebrate this feast day. Because we are free we can with faith in His Real Presence, take Jesus in procession out into our streets. Currently as you know our religious freedom is under assault. Don't be naive there can come a day when we wont be able to practice our faith in public. We need to pray for our freedom, but even more we need to pray for the conversion of our great nation. We can say and say with complete security; the single most powerful means on earth for the conversion of America is for Catholic Americans to mobilize a crusade of intense and constant prayer before the Holy Eucharist for the conversion of our nation. We need, all of us, desperately need to become Apostles of the Holy Eucharist…for our country needs us to do so if it is to survive!

It all begins with our own faith, hope and love of Jesus’ Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist; but
to increase our faith, hope and love we need to come on bended knee whenever and as often as we can before Jesus’ Eucharistic presence and adore Him as the true and living God among us hidden in the little white Host. Let be ever more aware that Jesus is constantly in our midst and with us. His true presence is a concrete, close presence among our homes; it is as a “beating Heart” (of our families, our parish), of our city, of our country? As a result, this Sacrament of the Charity of Christ, of the love of Christ must permeate the whole of our daily life. ” (cf. Pope Benedict homily on corpus Christi 2012). The Holy Eucharist must become our heart.

Holy Mary Mother of the Eucharist—Who is Jesus, through your powerful intercession, obtain for us the grace of an increase of Faith in, Hope in and Love for Your Divine Son—Jesus, who is still on earth truly present in the Holy Eucharist—The Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar! Help us to adore Him, to offer our heart to the One who offers us His—Jesus, so that we might become one with the Heart of Jesus, lovers of the Eucharist Lord, Apostles of the Holy Eucharist and so channels of Divine Grace and Divine Mercy for the conversion and salvation of our nation and of souls. Amen!

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